Our Services

Non-Revenue Water (NRW)

In water distribution networks, non-revenue water (NRW) is water that is produced but lost or becomes unaccounted for before it reaches the consumer. The losses are mainly associated with leakages identified as real losses or physical losses. Still, it can also be caused by commercial losses (apparent losses) associated with water theft or metering inaccuracies. NRW typically represented with a water balance table, as shown below, which described each contributing factor of NRW.

Any effort to tackle NRW problems looks into each of these factors in detail and solves them one by one. However, identifying the priority actions in tackling NRW is a common challenge for water operators. That is why Ocned, in partnership with Niras, is a strong advocate of a holistic approach to tackling NRW problems. By adopting the LEAKman guide for a holistic approach to NRW reduction, Ocned is committed to delivering NRW solutions to help water operators bring down the NRW level and consistently manage it in the long term.

The LEAKman approach has carefully identified priority actions which are strategized in 4 phases. Each action was thoughtfully placed in the specific phase based on the worldwide experiences of each members of LEAKman's consortium which comprises of equipment specialists, water operators, academician, and water consultants.

As part of our service, Ocned offer a full NRW consultancy service to guide water operators in their NRW reduction journey as well as specific service such as the following:

  • Water audit

    Conducting a third-party water audit into a water operator's organization is crucial in the early stage of a holistic NRW reduction approach. It is an excellent way to establish the NRW baseline and identify weaknesses in the whole water distribution's operation.

    The water audit is conducted based on IWA/AWWA best practice, an established guide to perform a comprehensive and inclusive audit. By pinpointing specific activities that should be altered, improved, or initiated to strengthen the current modus operandi, this audit will reveal potential improvement areas for short-term and long-term basis. This information is necessary for establishing an NRW master plan.

  • Hydraulic modelling

    A hydraulic model offers a significant benefit in understanding the distribution network. Working with a water distribution network without a hydraulic model is like working in the dark and involves a lot of expensive trial and error, not to mention the significant impact on the consumers. The knowledge obtained from a hydraulic model allows the operators to plan, control and manage the network in a much more efficient way. In a well-calibrated hydraulic model, planning works for the distribution network can be tested and managed without affecting the customer's water supply. With this efficient planning, the impact on the consumer when implementing any of the planned activities can be minimized. In an online setting where the hydraulic model is integrated with a real-time SCADA system, it became a powerful operational tool for water operators. The real-time simulation with an online hydraulic model allows the possibility of running a predictive operation. Specifically for NRW, a hydraulic model provides the water operator ability to monitor DMA, find leakages, and optimize pressure to reduce leakages in the network.

Project Name
Completion date
Continuous AQUIS support for Air Selangor Planning and Capital Works (Customer First agreement and Extended Support)
Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd.
Dec 2022
AQUIS online hydraulic model build for raw water distribution system for East Water (Thailand) with Leak detection and Optimization module.
East Water
Jan 2022
Delivery, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning an AQUIS Online System for Air Selangor Operation Control Centre
YNY Technology Sdn Bhd
May 2020
To Supply, Deliver, Install, Configure, Test, Commission and Support on the Development of Online Modelling at Operation Command Centre (OCC), Support to Development Section and Integration with Netbase System at Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd.
Pengurusan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd.
Feb 2020
Project Implementation and Engineering for Pilot Online Aquis System for Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang
YNY Technology Sdn Bhd
Aug 2018
Water audit (IWA/AWWA) for SAJ Ranhill Sdn Bhd (Johor) to identify area of improvement to bring down NRW level to below 25%.
SAJ Ranhil Sdn. Bhd.
Aquis Service & Support for 2017, 2018 & 2019. (Under agreement with Schneider Electric, Malaysia)
Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn. Bhd.
Dec 2019